I’m a down-to-earth, upstate New York native who still proudly rocks a Rochester accent. Most days you’ll find me with a coffee in my hand, sporting something green, a kiddo on one hip and a messy bun to top it all off.

I married a curly-haired guy from PA who became my best friend and number one fan. Once a marathon runner, now a professional kid-chaser. I have three cats I trip over constantly. A hippie at heart, I love rainy days and cold IPA’s. 

My favorite title is Mama. I have two littles who bring out the absolute best in me: Olive and Everett. 

i live for the in-between & perfectly imperfect moments. 

A little more about me...

30.54056°N 103.83722°W

of my favorite humans

These are a few




light + laughter
